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R6 Secure是基于亚洲体育博彩平台R5 Secure AIS系统的新一代AIS系统, fully interoperable with the R5 and R4 Secure AIS systems, 为特种部队提供在AIS公共网络之外进行AIS加密通信的选项. 


Normal AIS Mode - Standard SOLAS mode includes all functions of Class A AIS.
Silent Mode - The system will not broadcast anything over VHF, still receiving standard AIS messages and encrypted AIS messages.
战术模式-只传输加密数据. Receive and process standard AIS messages on AIS channels as well as encrypted messages.
混合模式-加密数据链路处于活动状态,设备同时接收开放和加密的AIS信息. The unit may transmit both open and encrypted AIS data.
External mode - Used for external encryption solutions. 不进行自主传输,只传输外部输入二进制消息.



R6 Secure是基于亚洲体育博彩平台R5 Secure AIS系统的新一代AIS系统. The R6安全AIS offers full interoperability with the R5 and R4 Secure AIS systems, providing selected customer groups within special-operations such as Navy, 海岸警卫队和警察可以选择在公共AIS网络之外执行加密AIS通信. 

Seamless simultaneous reception of both encrypted and open AIS information

AIS广播标准对于海上商船之间以及船岸站之间的公开信息交换非常出色. The Saab Secure solution is designed to address the needs of qualified users like Navy, 海岸警卫队, 要求在各自单位之间进行非公开信息交换,但仍能接收公开AIS信息的警察. Saab has been the leading provider of encrypted AIS since 2005, and the Saab Secure functionality can be offered as a complete seamless solution from vessels, 飞机, 基站, 控制中心.


亚洲体育博彩平台安全链路通过使用第三通道确保了加密和开放AIS信息的无缝同时接收, 由用户选择, to ensure minimum interference with public AIS communication. Saab Secure data link can be used in parallel with AIS1 and AIS2, giving the Saab Secure AIS users the complete AIS picture at all times.

多个Saab Secure用户组可以在同一个专用信道上操作,而不会受到干扰,因为它们被分成多达八个不同的子组,使用不同的组织身份. 与其他加密AIS解决方案相比,这种量身定制的数据访问方案以及在专用通道上的操作意味着无与伦比的性能.


Saab offers an advanced key generating tool to ensure high-quality encryption keys are used. The tool is suitable for centralized issuing of fleet encryption keys, and keys can be an input manually from printout, 通过现有的加密链接发送, or conveniently imported from file using the integrated R6 CDU SD-reader. The customer will be in full control of the issuing and handling of the crypto keys. Up to 128 encryption keys can be stored and automatically activated, and the keys will have a start time and a configurable time of validity. 当激活, each key may also set the frequency of VHF channel for encryption, 岗位报告率, 和组织ID. User-defined keys may also be used as a static configuration for interoperability.


The R6 Secure products are supplied with built-in crypto functions. No external encryption software is required, although 支持ed if needed. In addition to Saab Secure, the R6 Secure systems offer STANAG 4668 Ed.2 .附件C和附件D的加密类型. 虽然功能有限, the STANAG modes may offer interoperability with other systems when needed, 以及一个加密的AIS解决方案,其中第三通道不可用于亚洲体育博彩平台安全通信.

亚洲体育博彩平台R6最高安全平台提供了一个全面的解决方案,确保合格用户的安全和保障,同时随时提供完整的AIS图像. With Saab's extensive experience in encrypted AIS solutions, customers can trust the quality and performance of the Saab R6安全AIS system.




  • Full operability with the R4 and R5 Secure AIS systems
  • AIS接收无缝同步
  • 亚洲体育博彩平台安全链路 opens up a third VHF channel for encrypted commmunication
  • Tool for centralized management of multiple encryption keys
  • Built-in crypto functions deployable without need for external encryption software



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